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If you want to get in touch with me for any issue, either for publication purposes (whole webpage or single article on "Special Guests") or requests/info about Remote Advisory Service and Strategic Cost Management course or any other professional matter, you can find my emails and phone shown below.
Moreover, you will reach out directly to me by filling in the following form and its records.
Carlo Attademo
Indirizzo: Via Bardonecchia, 190 - 10141
Località: Torino To
Mob: +393208264656
Se vuoi entrare in contatto con me per qualunque argomento, pubblicazioni (intera pagina o singoli articoli su "Special Guests") o richieste/info sul Remote Advisory Service e sul corso di Strategic Cost Management o qualunque altro contenuto professionale, ecco indicati le mie mail e telefono.
Inoltre, compilando il seguente modulo e i suoi campi, tu entrerai direttamente in contatto con me